Whatever content or concept we are consciously working with as performers, our bodies tell the tale. Through investigation and deep experimentation we can narrow that gap between the idea we think we are expressing, and the visceral story that is being both expressed and received. In this workshop, we will begin with three questions: How might we refine the relationships between what we do and what we say (or sing) in improvisation/choreography? How can we use all our senses to uncover an embodied narrative and find the courage to raise our voices at the same time? Why would we want to? Other questions/departure points will surface as we explore several somatic and compositional paths including vocal breath work, shared writing, and structured movement improvisation. Come ready to playfully test the limits of your comfort zone! The workshop is appropriate for older teens and adults with any level of dance/movement training. Participants, please bring a notebook and a towel or small blanket.
To register or for more info, call Arts Society Kingston at 845-338-0333.